Monday, May 11, 2009

American Management Services Review

This blog is to allow companies, employees, ex-employees to comment on the quality of personnel and services offered by American Management Services. In searching the net for information on the firm, there is very little information on a firm that is reportedly over 20 years old. Can anybody provide insight on this firm based on Orlando, Florida?


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  2. I've recently asked American Management the following questions and they refuse to answer:
    After performing a little due diligence on your company and reviewing your comp plan, I'd like to get a response to a few questions before considering further.

    If you're interested, 2 primary complaints I have seen are:
    • Expense Reimbursement Problems – a sign that a company is a wrong fit is that they require employees to personally pay for business expenses and then drag out/refuse reimbursement
    • High pressure sales – several sources alluded to this being the “Analyst” job, I recognize this to be a sales generation function, but am curious about the tactics used.

    The following review is particularly disconcerting. I have performed due diligence on many companies, advised them strategically, and in several cases managed them out of a hole. I’m also an accredited investor, board member, and shareholder. What is your firm’s response to this review?

    “ I am an accredited investor with a 30-year track record as a senior executive, board member and shareholder of a number of small and mid-sized companies in both Canada and the United States. One company in particular, a small construction subcontractor that in 19 years of operation had never earned more than $200,000 in any one year, had that misfortune of engaging American Management Services in the Spring of 2010. At the time of the engagement the company's revenues had been in a 12-month free fall, the company was operating on the equivalent of financial life support from its bank, overhead had been pared to the bone, and the workforce was no more than a skeleton crew. While the outlook was bleak, what the company did have going for it was a $275,000 cash nest egg it had managed to accumulate over years of living below its means. By coincidence the AMS consultant’s could turn the company around for just $275,000. The engagement lasted 90 days, and amounted to nothing more than a high pressure confidence job, a Hollywood style boiler-room operation whose sole objective was to separate the “client” from the “ cash” and with surgical precision.

    While there may be some out there in America (possibly the Banjo builders from Tennessee) who had a different experience, in my assessment American Management Services’ entire business model is by design and by implementation predatory; in the extreme. Perhaps even the fertile ground for the legal certification of a class? So…Caveat Emptor, or better still…..just say no to the temptation of “The Business Survey” TM.”

    Also, could you please provide the following answers/information:
    1. A copy of the firm’s expense reimbursement policy, is there really no electronic direct deposit?
    2. A schedule of client fees (Survey, hourly consulting fees)
    3. Total surveys conducted vs. consulting engagements for the last 24 months
    4. A general understanding of how the consulting engagement fee is calculated based on the survey and if an analysis of available funds is factored into the equation
    5. Several terms of the comp plan/employee agreement are onerous. Is there any flexibility in the terms (i.e. vacation, approval of outside work/involvement)?
    6. Depending on location the per diem may not be enough to cover expenses. For example, you would be hard pressed to get a hotel without bedbugs in Manhattan for $100 or less per night.
    7. Average analyst tenure at the firm, % making over $135k in gross salary
    a. Unrealistic projections based on poor stream and quality of leads from Call Center. Demands increase greatly after hiring as more travel and time away from home is required to safeguard on-going employment. Unrealistic field rep model is obvious due to less than one dozen field reps (FSMs) able to hold the job at any given time throughout the entire country; only two of which are earning six figures (which everyone i…)”
    8. Current # of executive analysts at the firm currently, and total # over the last 24 months

  3. I agree with the above. They have stopped in here 3 times. The pitch never changes.

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